04.12.2016: Jack is reserved for adoption / Jack este rezervat pentru adoptie.
02.11.2016: WE NEED 380 EUROS TO PAY FOR HIS SURGERIES AND X-RAYS. CAN YOU AND WILL YOU HELP? Our registered charity's PayPal is as always aradanimals@yahoo.com. Thank you kindly.
28.10.2016: Jack was operated today / Jack a fost operat astazi.
26.10.2016: Bad news and good news. The good news is that we scheduled him for 2 leg surgeries this Friday. Bad news is that his right shoulder is fractured and his left elbow is shattered. The surgeries are complex and together with the 2 x-rays taken today the costs rise to 380 Euros which we do not have. Please make a charitable donation via PayPal at aradanimals@yahoo.com. Thank you.