6 catei abandonati de ziua mondiala a animalelor fara stapan (world stray animals day 04 aprilie 2018)
6 catei abandonati de ziua mondiala a animalelor fara stapan (world stray animals day 04 aprilie 2018). AVEM PROGRAM DE STERILIZARI. CHIAR SI GRATUITE. Se pare insa ca ne-am orientat gresit pana acum concentrandu-ne pe catele comunitare si catele cu companioni umani saraci. Se pare ca trebuie sa oferim sterilizari gratuite si persoanelor cu posibilitati financiare si masini straine.
ABBA a fost adoptata pe 17.10.2018, dupa 6 luni si jumatate in grija noastra. Mai avem 2 cateluse: Cody si Gloria. Acesta este motivul pentru care nu putem lua mai des animale pentru adoptie. Nu avem cum, daca dureaza chiar si peste 1 an pana la adoptie.
EN: 6 pups abandoned on World Stray Animals Day April 4th 2018. They are all up for adoption. Seems that we must offer free spays to people with nice cars as well. We were focusing on poor people and strays. Our mistake.
ABBA was adopted on 17.10.2018, after more than half a year with us. We still have her sisters Codita and Gloria. Because it takes soooooo long to rehome them we cannot take in new strays more often. Such is life.